"Putin joined two madmen, we need revolution"

Philosopher Slavoj Zizek has penned an article for the Independent, in reaction to Vladimir Putin's speech about new nuclear weapons.

In the piece, entitled, "As Putin has proven, political madness is the new status quo," Zizek recalled that the Russian president said his country "still has the greatest nuclear potential in the world - but nobody listened to us. Listen to us now.

"Yes, we should listen to these words, but we should listen to them as to the words of a madman joining the duet of two other madmen.
Remember how, a little while ago, Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump competed about buttons to trigger nuclear missiles that they have at their disposal, with Trump claiming his button is bigger than Kim's? Now we got Putin joining this obscene competition - which is, we should never forget it, a competition about who can destroy us all more quickly and efficiently - with the claim that his is the biggest in turn," Zizek wrote.

According to him, lately "our media reports on the more and more ridiculous exchange of insults between Kim and Trump."

"The irony of the situation is that, when we get (what appears to be) two immature men hurling insults at each other, our only hope is that there is some anonymous and invisible institutional constraint preventing their rage from exploding into all-out war. Usually, of course, we tend to complain that in today's alienated and bureaucratized politics, institutional pressures and constraints prevent politicians from expressing their personal visions - now we hope such constraints will prevent the expression of all too crazy personal visions," Zitek adds.

He goes on to wonder whether "the danger really reside in personal pathologies."

"Each side can, of course, claim that it wants only peace and is only reacting to the threat posed by others - true, but what this means is that the madness is in the...

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