Vucic attends Europe Day reception in Belgrade

President Aleksandar Vucic stated on May 9 that Serbia still had a lot to do in order to become a member of the European Union.

At a reception in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade, on the occasion of Europe Day, May 9, Vucic said that Serbian citizens wanted to live in a society of a European type, which means a democratic and free society, but that a lot still had to be done on accomplishing that goal.

"In the period ahead of us, in the rule of law and all other fields, we will have to make significantly greater progress than what has been accomplished in the economy," Vucic stated.

He said that Europe was important for Serbia as a peace project, because it secured peace and stability. He added that, like Serbia needed the EU, so the EU needed stability in Serbia.

Vucic said he was convinced the EU wanted Serbia as a full member just like Serbia wanted to enter the EU.

The Serbian president stated that the idea of Robert Schuman would be accomplished when the entire Western Balkans become part of the EU.

The chief of the EU Delegation in Serbia, Sem Fabrizi, said that the door of the EU remained wide open for Serbia, adding that Serbia had carried out numerous reforms on the path of European integration, but that a lot of work still remained to be done.

Fabrizi said history reminded us that the EU was created under difficult circumstances, when Europe needed peace and stability.

He said some people were nowadays expressing suspicion about the values of multi-culturalism and aimed to solve problems by unilateral decisions, but that the EU still adhered to its own values.

He said cooperation was better than conflict and that compromise was a strength, not a weakness.

Long live the European Union, long live Serbia and its future in the EU, said the chief of the EU Delegation in Serbia.


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