Bulgaria Expects a Good Summer Season

Source: Twitter

Analyzes show that Bulgaria is on the verge of a good summer tourist season. This is what Polina Karastoyanova, Executive Director of the National Tourism Board said in an interview for the show "Before everyone" of the Horizon Program.

"As you know, there are global factors that predominantly determine the interest in a tourist destination related to security, climate conditions and current affairs.

This factors are present and in this sense Bulgaria is a peaceful destination. There are good conditions from the point of view of weather and natural landmarks. There is some strong focus on Bulgaria due to the specific role that we have at the moment with the holding of the European presidency", she said.

In order to develop tourism sustainably, just efforts and private sector investment can not be sufficient. The role of the state is leading, added Karastoyanova.

"There are two main lines of communication in which large international tourism is taking place, one of which is related to national advertising on international tourist markets, and Turkey and Greece, both our main neighboring and competitive destinations, are very professional and extremely well-financed national advertising on all key markets The second line is support by the state in various forms with different tools to ensure a very saturated charter program and airplanes that provide flights to Bulgaria because the main tourist flow is taking place by air, "said Polina Karastoyanova.

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