Pasko Ermenkov Apologized for the Created Panic about "Poisoned" Water in Sofia


Tasko Ermenkov apologized for a post on his personal Facebook profile. During the weekend he wrote that he had received water pollution signals in Sofia. The GERB deputies did not accept the apology and demanded that Ermenkov resign.

"I have said several times that I have never, in any way, meant to create panic and unreasonable fears in people. I have always admitted that people need to be informed about things related to their health and life", Ermenkov said, quoted by Nova TV.

"May some of the citizens have been really frightened and created a mental disfigurement, for which I sincerely apologize," he added.

"Colleagues, do not ask for my resignation, it does not depend on you", BSP MP Tasko Ermenkov said in a personal statement to GERB. "When those who have chosen me to ask for my resignation, I will give it. I will not hide behind immunity if the prosecution wants it", said Tasko Ermenkov.

However, GERB did not accept the apology. In a statement, the government urged the BSP to demand the resignation of Ermenkov as a gesture that the party does not have to do with these attacks.

Meanwhile, the "red" leader, Cornelia Ninova, said that the way Ermenkov provided the information was incorrect but was not a reason for his resignation.

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