Renewable Energy: Council Confirms Deal Reached with the European Parliament

On 27 June 2018, EU ambassadors endorsed the provisional agreement reached by the Bulgarian Presidency on the revision of the renewable energy directive. Negotiators of the Bulgarian Presidency reached a deal with the European Parliament at the fifth trilogue meeting, in the early morning of 14 June. Today's endorsement means that the Council has approved the deal.

This new regulatory framework will pave the way for Europe's transition towards clean energy sources such as wind, solar, hydro, tidal, geothermal, and biomass energy. It will also allow Europe to maintain its leadership role in the fight against climate change and in meeting the goals set by the Paris Agreement.

The agreement sets a headline target of 32% energy from renewable sources at EU level for 2030. There is a clause to review this target in the event of changes in demand of energy consumption and to take account of the EU's international obligations.

"I am very pleased that member states have given their agreement to the compromise text today. With the new EU-wide target of 32% for energy from renewable sources Europe is showing leadership in the transition to clean energy."

Temenuzhka Petkova, Minister of Energy of Bulgaria

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