Greek foreign minister writes book on failed Cyprus talks

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias has written a book on the recent Cyprus peace talks, in which he criticises UN envoy Espen Barth Eide and shares details and documents unseen by the public.

Kotzias, a former career chief diplomat, played a pivotal role in the latest round of Cyprus talks that ended up in failure last summer.

His book reportedly focuses on "intervention rights" on Cyprus, a main talking point he used to put pressure on Turkey to give up its guarantor power status.

The main title of the book is "Cyprus 2015-2018: Three years that changed the Cyprus Problem" in which Kotzias shares unpublished letters he had written to Espen Barth Eide, the former UN special envoy to Cyprus.

Kotzias accuses Eide of not being well prepared ahead of the Cyprus conference in Switzerland in summer 2017, according to news website 24/7 that published...

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