Chronic problems, responsibilities and resignations

Yes, there is blame to be apportioned. Even in a biblical disaster, when nature is at its most extreme, mistakes will be made and shortcomings and negligence will be identified.

The problems are chronic and have been discussed thousands of times. Yesterday we had the floods in Maroussi and on Monday it was the fire in Mati. Last November there were the floods in Mandra, and going back further in the past we can point to the natural disasters on Mount Parnitha and in Ilia.

After each disaster we note the problems and analyze them. So far, the opposition's reaction has been sober and measured. But soon we will hear noises about Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras's responsibilities, as we did in 2007 about then prime minister Costas Karamanlis's responsibilities for the wildfires in Ilia. And it is certain that today's government will level similar accusations against...

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