Ahead of Skopje referendum, Trump expresses support for Prespes agreement

US President Donald Trump joined the ranks of international leaders who are supporting the name deal signed by Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in the Prespes lake region in June, noting that "it paves the way for Macedonia's membership in both NATO and the EU."

In a message to his counterpart Gjorge Ivanov on the occasion of FYROM's independence day Saturday, Trump described the deal as a "historic" one that will boost security, stability and prosperity in the entire region.

Trump said many things happened this year that Skopje should take pride in, citing the name deal signed in June under which FYROM will be called North Macedonia.

"The historic Prespa agreement resolves the long-standing name issue with Greece and paves the way for Macedonia's membership in both NATO and the European Union," he said.

He added that "the United States...

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