The Police Found Four Dead in a House in Kaspichan

Police officers found four bodies in a house in Kaspichan. The bodies found are of an elderly family and their two children.

Criminalists are already working on clarifying the circumstances of the case.

According to initial information the cause of the quadruple murder is family conflict. The killer is a nephew of the murdered elderly man, is already detained and assisted by the police. He attacked them with a chopper knife.

The bodies were found this morning shortly before 10.00 am. Neighbors reported to the police after they did not see the family around their home yesterday. A police team was sent to the site and found the bodies.

The house is located on Rakovska Street in the town. Access to the building is limited by the police. The District Prosecutor of Shumen Margarita Georgieva and the Head of the Directorate of the Ministry of Interior Shumen Yalchan Rasim arrived on the spot.

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