Name deal inches forward as Athens-Skopje flights start

The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia's Prime Minister Zoran Zaev is on Friday expected to present his government's proposed amendments to the country's constitution. The amendments are necessary for the ratification of the name deal signed with Greece in June under which the Balkan nation will be called North Macedonia. 

FYROM's Justice Minister Renata Deskoska said on Thursday the proposals include "guarantees with regard to the identity of the Macedonian people - its culture, historical heritage and language." 

For its part, Greece has stressed the importance of distinguishing between (North) Macedonian citizenship and nationality. 

Meanwhile, the prospect of close ties between the erstwhile rivals was highlighted on Thursday during a visit to Athens by FYROM's Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bujar Osmani, who flew back to Skopje on the first...

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