13 400 People Employed in Metallurgy in Bulgaria. What are the Average Salaries in the Sector?

The metallurgical industry generated a sum of BGN 9.6 billion in the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country and contributed to 15.4% of total Bulgarian exports last year, according to data presented by the companies in the sector during the celebration on Metallurgy Day, reports Money.bg

According to the estimates, 13 400 people are currently employed in the industry, with the average salary in the black ironmongery being 1440 leva and the one in the color - 1780 leva.

"The value added per employee in the non-ferrous metal industry creates 5 times higher value added than the manufacturing average," explains the analysis.

"Bulgaria gives 16% of the anodic copper, 8% of refined copper, 6% of lead and 4% of zinc produced throughout the European Union," said Anton Petrov, chairman of the Bulgarian Association of Metallurgical Industry (BAMI).

In the words of Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev, the investments in the extraction and processing of copper in Bulgaria reach BGN 1.2 billion. Last week, the leading company in this segment, Aurubis, confirmed that they are preparing a large investment of BGN 260 million in their business in Bulgaria for the next four years. This commitment was confirmed by the company and during the event.

"Our new investments are in three main areas: modernization of the plant infrastructure, new installations for more efficient extraction of raw materials with technologies developed by our development team, and new investments for environmental protection", explains the executive leader Tim Kurth. The company accounts for 9% of the exports and 6% of the country's imports and has a structuring role for the Bulgarian economy.

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