Parliament's Budget Committee Rejected President's Veto on Tax Laws

Parliament's budget committee members on 15th of November rejected the President's veto on tax laws. The MPs from the ruling coalition of GERB and United Patriots voted against the heads of state's remarks. The veto was supported by the opposition Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) and from the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF).

The President vetoed three main points of the tax laws - the introduction of an eco component in the vehicle tax; the postponement of the new methodology for determining the waste collection fee and the replacement of customs offices with territorial directorates. One of the main motives of the head of state was that the changes will not have the necessary effect and that they are done without the necessary public discussion. However, according to the government, the President's remarks are not justified and will not burden taxpayers with large new payments. The main dispute in the committee again was related to the additional tax on old and non-ecological cars.

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