OMV Petrom Discovered a New Gas Field 200km from Bulgaria

Romanian giant OMV Petrom opened and developed new gas reserves in the southern part of the country. The company probed a new well near its existing Mamu field, at a depth of 4400 m where it found gas and condensate. The new well has already begun production at the end of October, extracting over 190,000 cubic meters of gas per day, the company said, reports

OMV Petrom, the largest energy company in Southeastern Europe, has invested 10m euros in drilling the new well and linking it to existing infrastructure. The Mamu field is located in the county of Valcha, about 200 km from the Bulgarian border. It has been in operation since 1980, continuing to be one of OMV Petrom's best production fields, yielding around 4500 barrels per day. If used only for heating, its extracted gas can warm up about 180,000 households.

"Most of the gas fields in Romania started production decades ago, they are mature and production is decreasing, OMV Petrom continues to invest in exploration and production activities to mitigate this decline and ensure security of energy supply. This year we have increased our investment by more than 40% compared to the same period of last year and we have made 89 new wells and deviations, adding to those € 9 billion already invested in Upstream in Romania in the period 2005-2017 ", he said ether Zelinger, member of the Executive Board of OMV Petrom, responsible for Upstream.

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