PM Dancila: Gov't will implement public policies that serve the country, benefit citizens

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said at a solemn meeting in Alba Iulia on Thursday that that is "probably the most exciting moment" of the incumbent government, adding that public policies will continue to be implemented in the service the country and to the benefit of the citizens.

"We have the historical privilege of being ministers of the Romanian Government at the anniversary of the centennial of the Greater Union, proclaimed here in Alba Iulia, which is probably the most emotional moment of our term of office; we will continue to implement public policies in the service of the country and to the benefit of its citizens, to show our children and our descendants that we have the capacity to leave them a legacy, a prosperous, more united and stronger Romania," Dancila said in the beginning of the meeting in Alba Iulia.

According to her, the unification a hundred years ago was possible due to historical circumstances that the leaders of the country at that time knew how to use for the good of Romania.

"Dear Romanians, it is an honour to be today at a solemn meeting organised to celebrate the National Day of Romania and the Greater Union Centennial. The Union Hall where we are - a symbol and temple of Greater Romania, where the Greater Union was decided and signed - is the place where people really feel the pride of being Romanians. The unification of a hundred years ago was possible due to the historical circumstances that the country leaders at that time knew to use for the good of Romania. They did not only have political wisdom and diplomatic talent, they also came with a vision for Greater Romania," Dancila said.

She added that the government is working to build "a modern, active, and dynamic Romania, with a solid economy and a united society."

"The symbolic meeting of the government is a moment of great importance that we are all living out here in Alba Iulia, not just to celebrate, but also to think about the future. The efforts we make, all the initiatives and measures that we have taken to build and consecrate on a European and international scale a modern, active, dynamic Romania with a solid economy and a united society, a country that adapts to domestic and international economic and social developments and cares of its citizens," Dancila said.

The solemn meeting of the government in Alba Iulia government began to the tunes of Romania's national anthem performed by Tudor Limbean, a child from Vintu de Jos. At the same time, a Romanian film on the centennial event was presented. AGERPRES (RO - author: Madalina Cerban, editor: Claudia Stanescu; EN - author: Corneliu-Aurelian Colceriu, editor: Rodica State)

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