Distribution of the 'social dividend' set for Dec 14

The special online platform for recipients of the so-called social dividend will open for applications next week, so that they can receive the Christmas bonus the government is handing out, amounting to 1.3-1.4 billion euros, by December 14.

Given that the retroactive payments to uniformed officers and special wage grids are due on the same day, according to Finance Ministry planning, more than 1.5 billion euros will be channeled into the market just before Christmas.

The model to be followed is the same as last year's, with applicants only required to confirm their pre-filled application forms on the www.koinonikomerisma.gr platform. It appears that the income criteria for the selection of this year's recipients - to be determined by a joint ministerial decision - will be identical to those of 2017; however, the property ownership threshold is set to rise by 5,000...

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