#Romania2019.eu/Agriculture Ministry starts actions on work groups on 29 agriculture files taken over by Romania

The procedures on Unfair Commercial Practices, the Spirit Drinks Regulation and the Strategic Plans file in the post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy legislative package were analyzed on Wednesday by Agriculture Minister Petre Daea with working group experts in Brussels in the context of holding the presidency of the EU Council.

"On the afternoon of 9 January 2019, Minister Petre Daea convened a videoconference with the presidents and vice-presidents of the Brussels working groups, experts from the Unit for the Preparing of the EU Council Presidency, as well as state secretaries and general managers of the structures involved in the exercise of the Presidency of the EU Council. It was aimed at analyzing the activity done so far on the basis of the monthly program, namely the stage at which they are in the run-up phase of the AgriFish Council, which will take place on 28 January," reads the Agriculture Ministry (MADR) release issued for AGERPRES.

During the videoconference, issues related to the procedures to be followed with regard to Unfair Commercial Practices and the Spirit Drinks Regulation were addressed. In the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy legislative package - post 2020, the following were analyzed: the Strategic Plan file, Regulation no. 1306/2013 on Funding, Management and Monitoring of the CAP and Regulation 1308/2013 on the Common Organization of the Market of Agricultural Products (CMO), as well as correspondence with the General Secretariat of the Council.

The Agriculture minister announced that the next videoconference will take place on 14 January, 2019 to analyze the topics on the agenda of the Special Committee on Agriculture. AGERPRES (RO - author: Mariana Nica, editor: Andreea Marinescu; EN - author: Bogdan Gabaroi; editor: Simona Iacob)

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