#Romania2019.eu/Iordache: Parliamentary majority will support Government to fulfill with honesty, dignity EU Council Presidency mandate


Bucharest, Jan 10 /Agerpres/ - The parliamentary majority will support the Government in all its actions to fulfill with honesty and dignity the mandate at the presidency of the Council of the European Union, Florin Iordache, Deputy-Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, said.

"The parliamentary majority will support the Romanian Government in all its actions in order to fulfill with honesty and dignity the mandate it has in the next 6 months at the presidency of the Council of the European Union. Despite all political comments that must be regarded in the key of the election year in which we are, I want to assure you of the full, pro-European opening and our sincere desire for Romania to consolidate its status as a member with equal rights in this large family called the European Union," Florin Iordache said in his speech at the ceremony for launching the Romanian Presidency at the Council of the European Union.

The Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies reminded the audience that our Romania's decision to join the European Union was "sovereign, expressed to the highest degree when the Romanian people adopted through the referendum the new Constitution of Romania, which actually opened our European path".

"It was the sovereign decision of the Romanian people to go through the European path and to reach here today, in the most honorable position, to lead the Council of the European Union. We want to be European and we also want to be treated as European citizens," said Iordache.

He added that Romanians "still have the highest trust in the European institutions".

"I personally - and I am convinced that my colleagues as well - cannot imagine Romania outside the Union. We feel that we are part of this European family and we want to work together for the good and the progress of the Union. Romania is a country that you can rely on in the European construction, and I therefore believe that my country deserves to be respected as a reliable partner in making this ambitious project called the European Union. Today, more than a decade after the accession of our country it is for the first time when Romania takes over the rotating Presidency of the EU Council. Even if my country's role in this position is to give priority to the European agenda over the national agenda, I can say with all conviction that we assume this role in a sovereign manner, being aware that in this position Romania has the duty to be a wise mediator, calling for a consensus agreed by all the member states of the Union. We will fulfill this duty with dignity and we can guarantee that in Bucharest there is a very clear political will for Romania to fulfill its mandate at the leadership of the Council of the Union," Iordache said.

The Deputy Speaker of the Chamber assured the President of the European Commission that "the decision-makers of the Bucharest political majority have very well understood what Romania's role is in this position."

"We have treated with all seriousness the recommendations to ensure a political consensus during the presidency. Prime Minister Viorica Dancila expressed the similar appeal in the Romanian Parliament, which was addressed to all political parties, and myself, personally, as representative of the Chamber of Deputies, I reiterate this call for consensus among all parliamentary groups," Iordache said.

He added that, of course, the electoral context must also be understood.

"I am not referring only to the spring European elections, which will determine elections in all the member states. Moreover, Romania has presidential elections towards the winter, and next year we will have elections for the new Parliament. So the electoral agendas that sometimes have been expressed sharply will be felt in the next six months. But I will assure, Mr President Juncker, I assure all our European partners that the parliamentary majority in Bucharest has the wisdom, the necessary political maturity to support the Government in fulfilling the honoring mission at the Union’s Presidency. I hope that the same attitude will be taken up by the other political forces, but at least as far as the parliamentary majority in whose name I can speak, I can assure you that we will show balance, wisdom, responsibility and moderation," Iordache said. AGERPRES (RO - author: Daniel Florea, editor: Antonia Nita; EN – author: Bogdan Gabaroi; editor: Adina Panaitescu)

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