US supports Thaci, UK has Haradinaj's back - report

According to the paper, against the position of the United States stands, first and foremost, Great Britain. The United States is in favor of Belgrade and Pristina reaching an agreement, while the British, according to the newspaper, are openly working against a deal.

Blic quotes Pristina-based media who write that "a scenario of chaos would not suit the Americans, who have, in the diplomatic circles, repeatedly emphasized their goal - mutual recognition plus a possible correction of borders."
For that reason, according to the newspaper, "America is currently not willing to force Albanian leaders to withdraw taxes (on products from central Serbia), because such a move could be misused by some Pristina leaders and escalate into violence on the ground, which would spell out death for any agreement with Belgrade."
On the other hand, the United Kingdom has close ties with Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, who is the main opponent of both "delimitation," and the abolition of the taxes.
According to sources cited from the Kosovo Assembly cited by Blic, the British are at this point "almost openly opposed to a deal."
"The British are working most directly against an agreement, all via the story that they are not in favor of a correction of borders, because that would carry many problems, perhaps in the whole region. Their goal is contrary to that of America's to such a degree - and to sum it up, it is a whole, independent Kosovo recognized by Serbia," said the unnamed source.

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