Chamber vacates positions held by convicted politician Liviu Dragnea

At a plenary session on Wednesday, the Chamber of Deputies passed draft decisions to vacate the positions so far held by Liviu Dragnea, including the Chamber's speakership. The decisions were unanimously adopted. The Judiciary Committee of the Chamber of Deputies passed the two draft resolutions on Tuesday. The parliamentary groups made recommendations for the post of speaker of the Chamber of Deputies. The opposition National Liberal Party (PNL), Save Romania Union (USR) and People's Movement Party (PMP) said they will endorse PNL's Raluca Turcan for the office. PSD's pick for the office is Marcel Ciolacu, as announced by the interim PSD national chair Viorica Dancila. The Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) group picked its national leader Kelemen Hunor to take over the position. At the same time, Pro Romania's MPs will decide whether or not to endorse their own candidate. Liviu Dragnea, the former speaker, was finally convicted on Monday for corruption and imprisoned at the Rahova Penitentiary. AGERPRES (RO - author: Florentina Stefanescu, editor: Florin Marin; EN - author: Corneliu-Aurelian Colceriu, editor: Adina Panaitescu)

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