Mother Reports Violence Against her Child in a Private Kindergarten

Mother reports violence against her child in a private kindergarten. Her child has an ear hematoma. However, the children's institution is firmly convinced that the child's behavior is problematic and deny that they have caused injury to the child.

On Tuesday afternoon, TS. S. takes his son from a private nursery. According to her, the child was in a visibly stressed state. Once they came home, they noticed that the child's ear was bruised. According to her, her son, who is 1.8 years old, was pulled to the ear by a crèche employee.

After a medical examination held in "Pirogov", the doctors explained that the child had a hematoma, and a forensic practitioner confirmed the diagnosis. A medical certificate that the child's ear had been heavily pulled was later issued. The woman has alerted all authorities and wants the case to be investigated. According to her, the kindergarten, refuse to report the name of the teacher who caused the trauma of her child.

However, they say that the child is problematic.

"The child is very difficult, with an extremely problematic behavior. It is aggressive towards itself, and it affects all the other children because it is constantly restless to the point that there is constant screaming, rolling in all directions, bumping into the doors, walls, sweeping pens, children. The mother knows very well about her child's behavior. / ... / We give the child away and hours later we get a charge that the ear was bruised in our institution. We have told the mother many times about the child's problems. We have recommended her to take the child to a psychologist, whether we even gave her the coordinates of a child psychologist. The conversations went to the fact that the child could not stay in kindergarten because he...

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