New Investments Will Provide about 100 New Jobs in Sofia-Bozhurishte Economic Zone

Three final and one preliminary contract with investors were signed in the last month by "National Company of Industrial Zones" EAD for Sofia-Bozhurishte Economic Zone. The projects are of LIM Technics Ltd, Zora Logistics MMC, AIKO EOOD and RGS Invest. Their value is about BGN 52 million, and the new jobs will be close to 100.

The investment project of Lim Technics Ltd. is related to the expansion of the company's activity. It will build its own production and office building. The company manufactures silicone products for the automotive industry, medical devices, household appliances, electronic devices and more.

The investment is BGN 4 million and 40 new jobs will be created. The other investor in the economic zone Sofia-Bozhurishte is Zora Logistics, which will build warehousing offices for more than BGN 17 million. The investment will provide 33 new jobs.

AIKO EOOD will also build warehouse space. The investment is close to BGN 15 million and 5 jobs will be created. In mid-July Lim Technics Ltd., Zora Logistics MMC and AIKO EOOD received a certificate of investment from the Minister of Economy Emil Karanikolov.

The company RGS Invest, which also signed a final contract in July, has a certificate and plans to build a logistics centre with ancillary office buildings. Their investment amounts to BGN 16 million. And the base will employ 20 people.

With the last four projects joining the Sofia-Bozhurishte Economic Zone, its investments amount to nearly BGN 530 million.

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