Attack Melissanidis in Referees’ Lockers Without Penalty

By Lefteris Charalampopoulos

One is today confronted with an unpunished foray of Dimitris Melissanidis on a football field, indifferent policemen and absentee ministers who do not honour their oath.

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Serious issues arise regarding the stance of police authorities and about the responsibilities of co-competent services as regards the skirmishes between AEK-PAOK at the match on Sunday, 29, September.

Athletics Minister Lefteris Avgenakis and Citizen's Protection Minister Michalis Chrisohoidis must offer the answer.

It appears that at certain football fields legality is either suspended or applied selectively.

There is no other way to describe the image given by the Swiss coach in the AEK-PAOK match of Sunday, 29 September in the match's record.

"After half-time and as I was going to the locker-room of the referees he showed me the yellow card of the representative of the home team AEK FC Vasileios Dimitriadis because he plaintively yelled, "Give us a foul too, what are you doing?"

As I approached our locker rooms Messrs.Dimitrios Melissanidis and Vasileios Dimitriadis were waiting for me outside the locker rooms and  began complaining loudly, "Give us a foul too. You give them all too PAOK."

During the incident there were two policemen who were sitting behind these two gentlemen and not between us in order to protect us.

Then we entered the locker rooms and the two aforementioned gentlemen followed us and continued to declare their complaints.

None of the policemen attempted to impede them from entering. Once I entered the locker room I sat on the couch and the...

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