The ‘No’ that changed perceptions of modern Greece

"The Hour of Greece," an exhibition which opens at the Hellenic-American Union on Thursday, celebrates a private collection that was inspired by events in the collector's private life and a major chapter of world history. Coinciding with the October 28 "Ochi Day" anniversary of Greece's entry into World War II, it also sheds light on the jubilation felt across the Atlantic at Greece's victory against the Italians in the early days of the war and significant American efforts to help the country get back on its feet after the German occupation.

Curated by art historian Louiza Karapidaki, the exhibition of more than 300 objects was put together in cooperation with the Hellenic American University/Hellenic American College, Greek America Foundation and the General State Archives of Greece, as well as with the contribution of Haverford College Professor Alexander Kitroeff. Thanks...

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