As many as 534,278 female shareholders/business associates in Romanian companies as of late Nov. 2019
The number of female shareholders or business associates in Romanian companies was, at the end of November 2019, 534,278, or 37.48% of the total shareholders or associates. According to data with the National Trade Registry Office (ONRC), male shareholders or associations were 891,129, in the 982,976 operating companies in Romania. At the same time, there were over 1.425 million business associates/shareholders in Romania that were natural persons during the same period. A breakdown by gender of the shareholdership shows that most of the women shareholders were in the county of Tulcea, 41.84% in 7,613 companies; while at the opposite end is Harghita County, with just 32.89% in 10,761 companies.AGERPRES(RO - author: Nicoleta Gherasi, editor: Oana Tilica; EN - author: Corneliu_Aurelian Colceriu, editor: Maria Voican)
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