Thousands of citizens of Zemun and New Belgrade support SPC in liturgy PHOTO / VIDEO

The citizens who attended the liturgies in all the temples based in Zemun had previously gathered with the clergy in the Zemun park, from where they headed to St. Dimitri's temple in New Belgrade, where the believers from this part of the city had gathered during the morning and afternoon.
The streets along the route of the prayer procession were closed for traffic, and SPC priests were at the head of the liturgy, while the citizens carried a banner "We do not give away our sanctities."

Литија из Земуна стигла до цркве Светог Димитрија, где се спаја са новобеоградском литијом и продужава ка цркви Светог Симеона Мироточивог.

— Младен Обрадовић (@MladenObraz) January 26, 2020


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