Code yellow for floods, overruns in nine river basins, throughout midnight

The National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management (INHGA) has issued a code yellow warning for floods and overruns valid until midnight in eight hydrographic basins in Transylvania and Crisana. According to the hydrologists, until 00:00hrs, there will be significant overruns on slopes, torrents and streams, fast floods with possible effects of local floods and increases in flows and levels on some courses, with possible overruns of attention levels by the rivers in the following river basins: the Viseu, the Iza, the Tur (Maramures and Satu Mare counties), Somesul Mare - upper basin and middle and lower basin tributaries (Bistrita-Nasaud county), Somesul Mic - upper basin and middle and lower basin tributaries, the Somes - tributaries in the downstream sector SH Dej, the Lapus (Cluj, Bihor, Salaj, Maramures and Satu Mare counties), Crisul Repede - upper basin and tributaries of the middle basin, Crisul Negru - upper basin and the tributaries of the upstream sector S.H. Tinca, Crisul Alb - upper basin upstream of S.H. Gurahont (Cluj, Salaj, Bihor, Arad and Hunedoara counties) and the Aries - upper basin and middle and lower basin tributaries (Alba and Cluj counties). INHGA specifies that the predicted hydrological phenomena can occur with greater probability and intensity also on some small rivers in the counties of Satu Mare, Maramures, Bistrita-Nasaud and Bihor. The warning was sent to the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forestry, General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, National Administration Romanian Waters, Ministry of Internal Affairs, mass-media, S.C. Hidroelectrica S.A., and the Somes-Tisa, Crisuri and Mures River Basin Administrations. AGERPRES (RO - editor: Daniel Badea; EN - author: Corneliu-Aurelian Colceriu, editor: Adina Panaitescu)

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