Spain's little-known 'Los Turcos'

A community in Spain's southwestern town of Sax has been nurturing Turkish traditions for the past 100 years.

They call themselves Los Turcos, Spanish for the Turks. Interestingly, they are not ethnic Turks.

Their only connection with Turkey is a local saint Vlas who is buried in the country's eastern province of Sivas.

In a recent cultural festival in Sax, the community dressed up in the Ottoman-style fez caps, costumes and capes.

An Ottoman military band joined them from Turkey which got visitors at the five-day festival in February bubbling over with excitement.

The discovery of this lesser-known group was a happy coincidence.

An official from the Turkish Embassy in Madrid was on a holiday in the town when he met members of the group.

With the efforts of the embassy, the connection with Turkey was revived.

Last year, a group of 52 people from the Spanish town visited Turkey. This year, they aim to visit as a larger group.


Francisco Sanchez, a Los Turcos community leader, told Anadolu Agency that they have a "heart-to-heart connection" with Turkey.

"I could not have imagined the relationship would strengthen so much in such a short time," he said.

"I was raised like a Turk," said Sanchez, adding that his grandfather was one of the patrons of Los Turcos -- and his children and grandchildren continue the same tradition.

Sanchez said when a Los Turcos member dies, their coffin is covered with the Turkish flag.

"If the Turkish flag is forgotten during funerals, families get angry with us," he added.

In modern times, they have found a way to connect to Turkey through the ever-popular Turkish soaps and tv series.


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