Anti-Congo regime protesters set fires in Paris

Paris police arrested dozens of protesters on Feb. 28 who burnt scooters and bins outside a concert venue hosting a Congolese singer they accuse of giving a voice to the Kinshasa regime.    

The nearby Gare de Lyon train station was partially evacuated during the chaos and police warned Parisians to stay away as a thick, black column of smoke billowed over the city centre.    

Authorities had banned protests around the concert by singer Fally Ipupa at the AccorHotels Arena in the capital but dozens turned out in anger nevertheless, facing off with the artist's fans and trading insults.  

 "With their music, they [the Congolese government] are bringing an entire people to their side while they slaughter and rape women and children," opponent Willy Dendebe told AFP at the scene.    

"I have been here [in France] for 30 years because of them! Thirty years and we let them be here in France as if nothing has happened. So yes, we are angry!"    

Police said 30 people were arrested and 54 fined for participating in a banned protest, while train traffic was severely disrupted.    

On Twitter, Paris police denounced the "unacceptable violence" and posted a video of what it said was "scandalous behaviour" by protesters shown wielding large roadworks barriers to prevent firefighters from getting to the flames.    

Outside the station, AFP witnessed a dozen firetrucks at work amid the smouldering wrecks of about 30 vehicles, mainly scooters.

Interior Minister Christophe Castaner condemned the violence and damage caused in the area, while National Assembly member Eric Ciotti described the events as an "unacceptable urban riot".    

Far-right National Rally leader Marine Le Pen called the demonstrators "scum" on...

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