Parliament discards events of over 1,000 participants throughout March 31

Under a joint decision of the standing bureaus of Parliament on Monday events that were to take place in Parliament between March 9 and 31, where participation was expected to exceed 1,000 people, are now banned. The events where participation of a smaller number of people is estimated can be organised only after the approval of the Bucharest Public Health Directorate at the request of organisers, according to the internal memorandum approved by the standing bureaus. Also banned are public visit of Parliament Palace until March 31, while the relevant persons will analyse presence of the guests at various events on the parliamentary agenda, so that the persons whose presence is absolutely necessary may attend. The measure of suspending the Chamber of Deputies internship programme and other internship programmes with parliamentary groups, parliamentary committees was also taken. Under the joint decision, the two Chambers' contact with the public should be done only by telephone; post or electronic mail. The measures provided for in the memorandum are valid until March 31, 2020, with the possibility of an extension, depending on the reports from the authorised bodies. AGERPRES (RO - author: Sorinel Penes, editor: Mihai Simionescu; EN - author: Corneliu-Aurelian Colceriu, editor: Adina Panaitescu)

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