Bulgarian Publishers Offer Free Electronic Access to Textbooks for Students

As of today, the "Prosveta" Publishing Group provides free access to the full electronic versions of its textbooks in all subjects from the first to the tenth grade, enriched with additional interactive educational resources. Thus, nearly 700,000 Bulgarian students will be able to use all 33,000 digital resources of the publishing house for their preparation.

There will also be free access to e-learning books for the youngest - children from the kindergartens and preparatory groups.

"Many students and parents have contacted us to thank for the initiative. Our first lesson has already been viewed by more than 28,000 participants."

Prosveta Publishing House thus joins the initiative of the European Association of Textbook Publishers, major publishers, to provide maximum support to schools in the context of terminated classes in many European countries due to the COVID-19.

Prosveta's online textbooks have been approved by the Ministry of Education and Science and contain nearly 33,000 educational resources. These are 18 855 interactive tests and exercises, 118 three-dimensional renderings, 2161 videos, 8473 audio files, 228 presentations, 2365 photo galleries, 360-degree panoramic images, 484 animations, crosswords, puzzles.

Another publishing house has done the same - Klett Bulgaria provides completely free access to all its electronic resources, textbooks and training materials under the brands Anubis, Bulvest 2000 and Klett. The materials cover all subjects from 1st to 10th grade. Access is possible after free registration.

More information can be found on the official websites of Prosveta and Klett

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