Historical art experts bring 86,000 works to life

Nearly 86,000 historical artifacts registered in the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums have been maintained and repaired in order to bring them to life and display them in museums.
Some 2,600 historical artifacts were restored in the first three months of the year, although implementation activities were minimized within the scope of the new type of coronavirus measures.
The restoration and conservation works of historical artifacts in Turkey are carried out meticulously by the restorers and conservators, known as "historical art doctors," working in regional laboratories.
The laboratories, which closely follow the developments in the world in the field of restoration and conservation, serve as an effective institution in the field of conservation of cultural assets as well as application works.
The laboratories which make material analyses for the restoration and conservation of cultural assets create the "Material Data Bank" by archiving the results of the analysis.
Restorers, who have touched the works of different civilizations very carefully and transferred them to future generations, completed the maintenance and repair of 86,000 works registered in the inventory of museums in the last seven years.
Officials carry out detailed work after removing an artifact under the ground that was used in the natural flow of life thousands of years ago.
The restoration and conservation process of a work can continue for years depending on preliminary examinations, analyses, decision making processes, the method to be used and the selection of materials, the application stage, the nature and condition of the work.
The experts of historical artifacts keep track of the developments in their condition after the...

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