Kon: If coronavirus was with us in December, those were probably isolated cases

"If the virus was massively present, we would have discovered it earlier. We would have known the number of those who had flu-like illnesses, and this was not something special," Kon told RTS this morning.
He said that after lifting the state of emergency, contacts would continue to be avoided, which would continue to be especially true for those over 65 and for chronic patients.
"All of these contacts virtually allow the virus to survive. The fewer we have, the fewer and shorter its circulation will be in this wave. Therefore, we don't need to change anything much," Kon stated.
As for city traffic, which will start in Belgrade from May 8, it will not be for general use but only for employees and therefore, he said, it should be continued to be banned.
"All employees have to wear masks to get to work, they have to wear gloves," he said, adding that the measure would take some time, and then the coronavirus situation would be monitored and decisions taken accordingly.
Commenting on the start of testing 7.000 families to determine whether collective immunity was acquired, Kon said he was skeptical that significant immunity was created with measures being taken and with the prevention of contact.
"A lot of us have remained sensitive, and we will see what the results will be, so we will know exactly," he said.
According to him, no decision has yet been reached on opening the borders, and those entering the country are likely to be required to be tested. When it comes to leaving the country, Serbia will behave in accordance with the requirements of the destination countries.

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