Olguta Vasilescu: PSD to submit censure motion if Gov't modifies pension law by emergency ordinance
The Social Democratic Party (PSD) will submit a motion of censure if the Government modifies the pension law by emergency ordinance, announced, on Thursday, the Social Democrat deputy Lia Olguta Vasilescu, following the meeting of the party's leadership. "The interim National Standing Bureau approved today the submitting of a motion of censure by the PSD the moment the Romanian Government modifies by emergency ordinance the Public Pension Law. As you know, from September 1, there should be an increase of the pension point up to 1,775 RON, meaning 40 pct. They cannot modify this law unless it's by emergency ordinance and, when they adopt it, we will already begin collecting signatures to submit the motion of censure," Vasilescu declared. She added that a motion will be submitted "for any amendment, even with a comma," of the Pension Law. Lia Olguta Vasilescu did not exclude that the censure motion be submitted in the summer of this year.AGERPRES(RO - author: Catalina Matei, editor: Claudia Stanescu; EN - author: Razvan-Adrian Pandea, editor: Maria Voican)
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