Weather Forecast: Precipitation and Probability of Hail Today, June 17
The atmospheric pressure during the day today will remain almost unchanged - lower than the average for June. The clouds will be more often significant.
There will be short-term precipitation, accompanied by thunderstorms, in more places and more intense in the afternoon. The probability of hail also remains increased.
The maximum temperatures will be mostly between 22 ° and 27 °, in Sofia 23 °, according to the NIMH forecast. There will also be short-term thunderstorms in the mountains, in more places and more intense in the afternoon.
It will blow to a moderate west-northwest wind. The maximum temperature at 1200 meters will be around 17 °, at 2000 meters - around 11 °.
Over the Black Sea coast will develop cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds and there will be short-term precipitation, in the afternoon in more places and with thunder.
A light to moderate wind from the east-southeast will blow. Maximum temperatures - between 22 ° and 25 °.
The sea water temperature is from 16 ° -18 ° on the north coast to 20 ° -21 ° on the south. The sea wave will be 1-2 points.
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