Consumer Protection Commission: Watch Out for Misleading Discounts in e-Stores


"On electronic trading platforms, which are becoming increasingly popular, the same product can be offered by different traders. Even if its promotion looks the same, but information about this trader is different, let consumers not be surprised that there may be different prices for this product and, respectively, different percentage discount rates if this product enters the Black Friday campaign.

This was stated to bTV Dimitar Margaritov, Chairman of the Consumer Protection Commission in Bulgaria. The topic of the rubric was devoted to the discounts during the so-called " "Black Friday," which this year most traders hold within extended periods.

 "The appeal to consumers is to look at the specific price of a product and this is key when comparing goods online. The consumer can review several offers for the same product and on this basis assess whether the percentage reduction is real and which is ultimately its most advantageous price", said the Chair of the CPC.

He added that due to the increased interest in online shopping during the pandemic, the CPC carried out twice as many checks as compared with the last year, closely watching twice as many e-shops and product groups offered there. "Consumers are increasingly oriented towards this method and therefore the risks to them are increasing."

He reminded that in the commercial network there are stricter requirements in terms of announcing discounts than on the Internet - the old and new price tags must be placed, a reduction rate must be announced, as well as an obligation must be observed that the old price has been valid at least one month before the  discount.

The show presented information about the most sought-after goods in the course of the campaign, and this...

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