Scientists on Lesvos find 20 million year-old petrified tree

Greek scientists on the volcanic island of Lesvos say they have found a rare fossilized tree whose branches and roots are still intact after 20 million years.

The tree was found during roadwork near an ancient forest petrified millions of years ago on the eastern Mediterranean island and transported from the site using a special splint and metal platform.

It is the first time a tree has been found in such good condition complete with branches and roots since excavations began in 1995, said Professor Nikos Zouros of the Museum of Natural History of the Petrified Forest of Lesbos.

"It is a unique find," he said. " is preserved in excellent condition and from studying the fossilized wood we will be able to identify the type of plant it comes from."

Lesvos' petrified forest, a  15,000-hectare, UNESCO-protected site, is the result of a volcanic eruption 20...

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