"Sputnik V" has arrived PHOTO

New 40.000 doses were delivered this morning at around six o'clock, and the plane with vaccines was welcomed by the Minister of Innovation Nenad Popovi at the Belgrade "Nikola Tesla" airport.
With the new 40.000 doses, 20.000 people will be able to be vaccinated.
Prime Minister Ana Brnabi announced yesterday that new quantities of the "Pfizer" vaccine will arrive on Monday.

Popovic: Great challenge, vaccines produced less than 24 hours ago Tanjug/Sava Radovanovi

Popovic said that other quantities, out of a total of two million doses of Russian vaccine, are expected to be delivered during February and March. He also stated that the arrival of Russian experts in Serbia is expected on February 11, who will discuss with Serbian experts how to start the production of Russian vaccines in Serbia as soon as possible.
Popovic, who received a plane with vaccines at the Belgrade airport this morning, said that all vaccines were delivered in special containers, which have thermal insulation, with a temperature of minus 20 degrees, which is controlled, so that the vaccines are transferred correctly.
"A serious logistical endeavor was performed in order for the vaccines that were produced in the factory in the Vladimir region in Russia less than 24 hours ago, to be transported to Belgrade this morning, but with the exceptional efforts of the entire team of the Serbian government, we managed to do this," Popovic said.
He added that Russia itself is facing a great challenge, because they want to immunize as many people as possible inhabitants, amounting to 150 million, so they started with a large production of vaccines, which often causes problems, but thanks to the fraternal relations of the two countries, Serbia received the...

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