Statutory committee to report on three bills repealing special state pensions

Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Ludovic Orban said on Tuesday that the bills repealing special state pensions of lawmakers initiated by the National Liberal Party (PNL), the Save Romania Union - Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party (USR PLUS) and the Social Democratic Party (PSD) will be sent to the statutory committee for a report, and within one week they will be up for a plenary vote. Orban said the statutory committee has first to be set up at a plenary session on Wednesday. "By a joint decision, the standing bureaus have decided to send to the statutory committee, which is to be set up as the first item on the agenda of Wednesday's plenary session, three bills repealing special pensions. The committee was notified about three bills repealing special state pensions for lawmakers, one of PNL, one of USR PLUS and a bill initiated by PSD. They were sent to the statutory committee for a report," Orban said after a meeting of Parliament's leadership. He said he said that, as far as possible, the statutory committee's report on the three bills would be discusses at the plenary meeting on Wednesday, after the statutory committee is set up. "As far as it is procedurally and legally possible, the report will be discussed on Wednesday, if not possible, then at the first meeting. However, we have set a deadline of a maximum of one week. If possible, we will introduce it on the plenary meeting's agenda on Wednesday," Orban explained. AGERPRES (RO - author: Alina Novaceanu, editor: Mihai Simionescu; EN - author: Corneliu-Aurelian Colceriu, editor: Adina Panaitescu)

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