March 9: Deadline for Submitting e-Applications for Voting Abroad in April 4 General Election

Today, March 9, is the deadline for Bulgarians abroad to submit a written application form or send an electronic application through the website of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) to participate in the parliamentary elections on April 4.

The application must be signed by hand and submitted in person or sent by letter to the diplomatic or consular representation of Bulgaria in the respective country.

There may be more than one application in one letter, BNR states. Applications sent by courier service shall be deemed to have been sent "by mail as letter". Scanned applications sent by e-mail shall not be deemed to have been sent "as letter".

By February 25, Bulgarians abroad had submitted 48,477 electronic voting applications, mostly online. Paper applications are about a percent and a half of the total. The most are from Turkey, the UK and Spain. /BGNES


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