August 15 – The Orthodox Church honors the Assumption of the Virgin Mary

The feast of the Mother of God of Christianity, the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is celebrated every year on the 15th of August.

In the Orthodox Christian Church, the celebration of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary includes, firstly, the death and burial of the Virgin Mary and, secondly, her resurrection and metastasis to heaven.

There is no information from the New Testament about the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

We learn about this from the stories of important ecclesiastical men, such as St. John the Theologian, Dionysius the Areopagite, Modestus of Jerusalem, Andreas of Crete, German of Constantinople, John of Damascus, etc., as well as the relevant tropics of the church.

These texts preserve the "ancient and most true" tradition of the Church for this event pertaining to the Virgin.

So, according to church tradition, the mother of Jesus Christ, Mary was informed of her impending death by an angel three days before it happened and began to prepare properly.

She prayed on the Mount of Olives and gave her possessions to two of her widowed neighbors.

Because on the day of her Assumption not all the Apostles were in Jerusalem, as they were preaching elesewhere, a cloud seized them and brought them to her.

The only absentee was the Apostle Thomas.

The Assumption of the Virgin Mary took place in the house of the Evangelist John, in which the mother of God lived.

After closing her eyes, the Apostles transported her body to the garden of Gethsemane, where she was buried.

While transporting her remains, fanatical Jews tried to overturn her coffin, but were blinded.

Only one of them managed to touch it, but an invisible sword cut off his hands.

The only absentee from her...

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