Facebook: Children are a Valuable but Unutilized Audience

The American company Facebook is working hard on ways to recruit more users among young children, reveal internal documents obtained by investigative journalists from the "Wall Street Journal".

Mark Zuckerberg's company has set up a special working group to consider ways to monetize children. One of the documents notes that those between the ages of 10 and 12 are "valuable but unused audiences." Another document reveals one of the tactics - to use "playdates" organized by parents as a means to stimulate the growth of the company.

Internal documents confirm the opinion of many analysts that Facebook does not attract the youngest audience and is desperately trying to find a way to do so. According to the documents, the "acquisition" of teenagers is slowing down and the youngest audience is expected to fall by another 45% by 2023.

The main method of monetizing the largest social network is the sale of information to consumers. Facebook monitors what we like, what we don't like, which people we follow, what topics we comment on, etc., and based on this data it creates comprehensive profiles of behavior, which are then used to extremely accurately target ads by advertisers.

However, US federal law prohibits the collection of this data for individuals under the age of 13 - so the company is working hard to "hook" it so that they are active users and as soon as they turn 14 to contribute to its profits.

Over the years, Facebook has tried other options - buying Instagram, for example, was to win over teenagers, and the paused Instagram Kids project aimed to attract the little ones.


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