Weather in Bulgaria: Sunny in the East with Max Temp Between 7°-12°C

Sunny weather will prevail over the eastern half of the country today. Before noon over the western half of the country will be cloudy, in the valleys and foggy, but in the afternoon the clouds will decrease and visibility will improve. A light south wind will blow. Maximum temperatures will be mostly between 7° and 12° Celsius, lower in areas with persistent fog. This was announced for FOCUS News Agency by the weather forecaster on duty Krassimir Stoev from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH).

The atmospheric pressure is higher than the average for the month - it will decrease. Sunny weather will prevail over the Black Sea coast with temporary increases in cloudiness, mainly over the southern coast. A light, mostly southeast wind will blow. The maximum air temperatures will be: 10° -13°C. The temperature of the sea water will be 12-13°C. The sea wave will be 2 points.

Above the mountains the clouds will slowly decrease, in the afternoon over many areas until mostly sunny weather. A light, moderate south-southwest wind will blow in the high and open parts. The maximum temperature at an altitude of 1200 meters will be about 6°C, at 2000 meters - about 0°C.


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