War? "It could be finished in five days"

"It takes so much time for major actions outside big cities. Judging by what is happening now, the East, the Center, the South can be liberated. A corridor for Transnistria will most likely be built," said Dmitriy Abzalov, president of the Center for Strategic Communications.
He explains that negotiations on the recognition of the republics and the changed borders could start then, although he adds that it is unlikely.
"It is too early to guess what it is about, the situation is changing before our eyes," he warns.
Vasily Kashin, director of the Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies (CCEIS) at the National Research University of the Higher School of Economics, says that progress has been noticeable in Donbas and the Kharkiv region.
"A maneuver outside Donbas is needed to surround the forces that Ukraine has in the east and eliminate them. The most ready Ukrainian forces are operating in Donbas, which are well positioned there. At the moment, we do not have objective data to estimate the scale of what is happening. It can be outside Donbas, where the density and quality of the troops are lower, as well as the level of the territorial fortifications", he explained.
According to the results of the first day of the special military operation, all tasks assigned to Russian groups have been completed, the Ministry of Defense of Russia announced earlier.
By the end of the first day of operations, more than 80 military infrastructure facilities in Ukraine were put out of operation. Two Ukrainian Su-27 planes, two Su-24s, one helicopter and four Bayraktar TB-2 drones were shot down, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced.
Eleven airports of the Ukrainian Air Force, three command posts, a naval base, 18...

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