Posidonia 2022 highlights technology startups

A significant number of startups from around the world, specializing in technological solutions for the shipping industry, will present their products and platforms during the Poseidonia 2022 Exhibition to be held at the Athens Metropolitan Expo from 6 until June 10.

Online markets designed to bridge the gap between shipping service providers and shipowners & managers, as well as developers of innovative solutions that will help the industry achieve its carbon emissions targets and address almost any problem it faces will be on display at the world's most important shipping event to showcase the latest technological developments in the industry.
"Innovative solutions based on cutting-edge technologies will transform shipping, and will be widely presented this June as the road to the digitization of the shipping industry is underway, in a market that experts estimate will be worth 345 billion dollars by 2030," said Theodoros Vokos, Managing Director of Posidonia SA Exhibitions.

Market conditions, such as increased profitability in the container and dry cargo sectors, combined with increasing regulatory and social pressures to reduce carbon emissions, are driving the interest of shipowners and shipping companies to rapidly adopt new technologies that improve competitiveness and fuel efficiency.

Large number of nautical tech firms

Bid2board is one of the solutions that will be presented at Posidonia 2022. Utilizing the power of data management, this startup helps shipping companies to enjoy fast, simple and organized maintenance services, while service providers gain increased visibility and improved flow. from the receipt of the request to the execution of the service.

"The automated process and the data provided...

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