Moscow: Sanctions should be Lifted to Avoid a Food Crisis

"International sanctions imposed on Moscow over its military campaign in Ukraine must be lifted to avoid a global food crisis", Russia's deputy foreign minister has said.

"Resolving the food problem requires a comprehensive approach, including lifting sanctions on Russian exports and financial transactions," Andrei Rudenko said in a commentary by Russian news agencies.

"It also requires Ukraine to clear (of mines) all ports where ships dock and Russia is ready to provide the necessary humanitarian support," Rudenko added.

Russia's military campaign in Ukraine and the wave of sanctions against Moscow over the offensive have disrupted supplies of fertilizers, wheat and other goods the two countries export.

The West has accused the Kremlin of using famine as a weapon during its offensive in Ukraine.

Russia and Ukraine alone produce 30% of the world's wheat supplies.

The United Nations has called on Russian authorities to release grain stuck in Ukrainian ports over Moscow's military campaign.

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