Sofia finally has Automatic Defibrillators in Public Places

Four automatic external defibrillators are already operating at key stations in the subway

Sudden cardiac arrest can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime, and the only chance for the victim to survive until the ambulance arrives is to receive a cardiac massage and artificial respiration and use an automatic external defibrillator within three to five minutes at the latest (AED).

At the beginning of the spring, at the initiative of the Sofia Municipal Council, 4 AEDs on key subway stations were installed in the Sofia subway. The citizens of Sofia are already proud of the acquisition, as it ranks Sofia among the best-arranged and modern European cities, in which automatic defibrillation programs (ADP) have been implemented and developed for years.

However, the placement of 4 AEDs in public places is not an end in itself and it does not begin and end the work on creating and introducing effective ADP on the territory of Sofia Municipality. The efforts of institutions, organizations, public figures and specialists have been mobilized in the last few years, thanks to which even before the beginning of 2022, Sofia already had several AEDs with public access and several hundred in administrative and office buildings of private companies. Several thousand people have already been trained in various projects with an internationally recognized certificate, including employees in municipal structures and enterprises. Several large-scale promotion campaigns were implemented for October 16 - World Heart Restart Day.

Meanwhile, in the spring a conference was held with the participation of representatives of Sofia municipal structures, CSMP, BRC, Sofia Directorate PBZN, SDVR, Regional Center 112, reputable medical professionals and...

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