Parthenon Sculptures: Unprecedented dynamics in favor of their return

For a few months now, the issue of the return of the Parthenon Sculptures has acquired a special dynamic. In recent months, the density of reports in the British media is perhaps the highest ever. UNESCO's proposal for direct bilateral talks between the British and Greek Ministries of Culture was accepted by the British government for the first time in the history of the Sculpture claim.

From Melina to Mitsotakis

"After Melina Mercouri's global campaign in the 1980s for the return of the Parthenon Sculptures to Greece, the campaign continues today by the Greek Prime Minister."

This is pointed out, among other things, in an extensive report by the ITV television network, which highlights the efforts of the Greek government for the reunification of the Sculptures. "Kyriakos Mitsotakis has raised the issue not only in his recent visit to London, but also in his speech to Congress, thus increasing the pressure on Britain," ITV reports. At the same time, this report notes the growing support of both the British public and prominent divs in the art world.

Following the Greek Prime Minister's visit to London in November, where he raised the issue with his British counterpart, Boris Johnson, the Greek position seems to be constantly gaining new important supporters. Most characteristic of all is perhaps the change of "line" of the Times of London, which have now been in favor of the return of the Sculptures to Greece. The British newspaper changed the line "after 50 years" as it points out in the main article of January 11. "Artists and politicians have been arguing for many years that these works of art should be returned to Greece. The museum and the British government, with the support of the Times, resisted the pressure. But times and...

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