Prosecutor seeks record jail sentence in harassment case

The Ankara Chief Prosecutor's Office has filed a lawsuit against Emre Kara for sexually abusing a 15-year-old girl more than once in Kutluhan village of Ankara's Haymana district and is seeking a sentence of 111.5 years.

The prosecutor demanded the record sentence on charges of "aggravated sexual abuse of a child," "deprivation of liberty," "violation of privacy," "publishing indecent images of a child," "blackmailing," and "defamation."

The court decided to arrest Kara.

"The child suffered from sexual abuse after she was abducted by the perpetrator. Members of the perpetrator's family have also participated in this action by ignoring it," said İrem Esra Kömürcü Altun, the layer of the girl, identified only by the initials S.K.

He added that they had been fighting for a year to have the perpetrator arrested.

The prosecutor's office also filed a lawsuit against Emre Kara's mother, Nuran Kara, father İhsan Kara, brother Abbas Kara and uncle Hasan Çelik on charges of "deprivation of liberty" with a demand for the imprisonment of up to 10 years.

"After a year of efforts, we got the perpetrator arrested.

During this time, the perpetrator has blocked her path many times, despite the restraining order," Altun added.

After Kara threatened, insulted and blackmailed S.K. by revealing obscene images of her, S.K. filed a complaint against him. Kara, who first sent the obscene images of S.K. to her relatives and then published them on his social media account, was detained.

It was also determined, after the examination at the hospital, that S.K. was sexually abused.

Türkiye, jail sentence,

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