The Bulgarian Parliament decided: Free Textbooks for Students from Grades 1 to 12

Deputies unanimously with 190 "in favor" adopted in the second reading a draft law on amendments and additions to the law on preschool and school education. The bill introduces free textbooks for students from grades 1 to 12.

The bill enters into force from the academic year 2024-2025. The vote passed without debate, and after it, from the parliamentary rostrum, the leader of the socialists, Kornelia Ninova, thanked the deputies for adopting the bill unanimously.

The necessary funds for free textbooks from grades 8 to 12 at the moment, with a reported inflation index, amount to about BGN 80 million for the first academic year of implementation of the draft law, respectively BGN 8 million for the second and third year of using the textbooks, the petitioners state in their reasons.

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