A major scandal: Discovered by accident, Kadyrov involved. The details are awful.

Namely, in the NTV memo, it is stated that their journalist, who was sent to report from the Ukrainian city of Melitopol, was raped.
As Jutarnji list reports, it concerns journalist Olga Zenkova, who is considered Putin's propagandist.
She went to Melitopol, which was occupied by the Russians at the beginning of the war, in order to make a report. However, as stated, she ran into the infamous Chechen brigade led by Hasan Ibrahimov, a relative of Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, and the soldiers allegedly raped the journalist and beat the cameraman.

Major scandal in Russia.
The TV presenter Olga Zenkova from NTV was sent to occupied Melitopol to record a propaganda piece.
While visiting a restaurant, Kadyrovs nephew Hasan Ibrahimov and men from his unit walked up to her, beat up her camera man and then raped her. pic.twitter.com/csNvw1kaEi

— Visegrd 24 (@visegrad24) January 30, 2023

Ukrainians write that they found out about that terrible incident completely by accident, because a complaint from NTV was leaked to the public, in which the management of that television urged the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation to investigate the case.
The official document was sent to the head of that Investigative Committee, and the broadcaster itself did not want to comment on anything in order to avoid "discrediting the Russian army".

Olga Zenkova de NTV fue enviada a Melitopol para grabar propaganda a favor de la invasion rusa a Ucrania. En un restaurante, el sobrino de Kadyrov Primer ministro de Chechenia, Hasan Ibrahimov, y hombres de su unidad, golpearon al camargrafo y luego la violaron. pic.twitter.com/sEQ3pCvVgr

— Manuel Cornejo (@cornegdl) January 31, 2023

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